KGH Interpretation Spanish-English Medical & Mental Health Interpretation

Privacy Policy


A plain-language rundown of how I handle your information

As a medical interpreter, I know a thing or two about privacy. I’m charged with handling all sorts of sensitive information, and have to keep track of what information I can and can’t share, and with whom, following all applicable laws, as well as our codes of ethics & standards of practice. Here at it’s a little simpler: I believe we all have a right to privacy, so I’m going to do my best to keep your personal information private.

Your Personal Information

What personal info does this website collect, and how will it be stored?
A KGH Interpretation website visitor, happy at how extra Kelly is at clearly labeling how their information will be used.

Collection of Personal Information

In terms of personal information like your name, e-mail address, and phone number, I don’t collect or store this information automatically. When you’re sharing this information with me via my website (e.g. on a contact form, subscription form, or while leaving a comment) you’ll be entering it yourself, and it will be clearly labeled that you are providing this information.

I try to be as transparent as possible. If I’m asking you for information, I usually try to let you know why I’m asking for that information. For instance: on my newsletter subscription page I let you know why I’m asking for your phone number and what it will be used for. The provision of such information is entirely voluntary, but certain features of this website cannot be utilized without certain information. For instance: you can’t sign up for the newsletter if you don’t provide an e-mail address!

In certain instances, I may not expressly state the purposes for which certain information is being asked for, but this will only be when the purpose for soliciting such information is implicit or clearly evident. Think of that newsletter signup form again: do I really need to explain why I’m asking for your e-mail? No, it’s pretty clear that I’m going to use that e-mail address to send you the newsletter, ya silly goose!

Storing of Personal Information

Any information you enter on my website will be first, stored on my website. I have employed all reasonable precautions to safeguard your data on my website, such as using an SSL certificate, which means all data on my website is transmitted through a secure connection (HTTPS). You can read more about the HTTPS protocol here and how it keeps your data more secure.

“WOW. SUCH SECURE. MUCH SAFE.” – Doge | Image credit: Getty Images

Most actions that you engage in on my website that involve inputting your personal information (such as using my contact form, leaving a comment, or subscribing to my newsletter) will result in my receiving an e-mail notification of that action, along with some of the personal information that you have inputted. As of June 2022, none of these e-mails are sent to a Gmail account, but instead my website domain’s e-mail, meaning these messages are not stored on Google’s servers, but instead my website server. I feel this is important because Gmail has a host of security/privacy issues, especially on their free plans.

As of June 2022, there are only two third-party services that I utilize to handle the personal information you enter on my website:

  • Campaign Monitor
    This is the third-party newsletter service that I use, but only when you receive a confirmation message that you are subscribed to the newsletter will your data actually be transmitted to them. I spent months researching third-party newsletter platforms before deciding on this one! You can view Campaign Monitor’s privacy policy here. Once you are subscribed to the newsletter, you can modify or cancel your subscription at any time by clicking the link in the bottom of any of the newsletters you receive.
  • WordPress
    This is the name of the content management platform my website operates on. While the application is installed on my web server, the application itself may occasionally connect to to access some of its more advanced features. I have been using WordPress since 2003-2004 when it was first released and have had a very positive experience with them all around, so I can say with a fair degree of confidence that I trust in their handling of the personal data of myself and others! You can read’s privacy policy here.
With respect to links to other third-party websites on while I do my very best to only link to websites with high privacy standards, this privacy policy does not apply once you leave this website. I cannot be held responsible for the privacy practices employed by other websites. Even if I do my very best to research a third party’s privacy practices, they can change at any time. If you are concerned about how a third-party website linked here may be using or sharing your data, I highly recommend reading their “Privacy Policy” or “Privacy Statement” which is usually linked at the bottom of the front page. And, as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!

Usage Data & Analytics

What other data might this website store about me?

My website utilizes cookies in order to provide advanced features, such as remembering your username on login and delivering relevant ads. If you don’t know what cookies are, you can read about them here. The majority of web browsers have cookies enabled by default, but you can always change your settings or even disable cookies entirely. However, there always exists the possibility that certain features of this website may not function properly without cookies. This website’s cookies cannot and do not access personal data stored on your hard drive.

Almost any time you enter information in a form on any website (even a search bar before you click “Go”) is stored in some way. Because of the nature of the platform I use, my website is no different. My website collects usage information to give me a better idea of how people are using and accessing it. Such information may include:

  • Visitors’ ISP or Internet Service Provider (e.g. Comcast, Verizon)
  • The type of web browser or operating system visitors are using
  • The type of device my website is being accessed on
  • Countries people are visiting my website from
  • What pages people viewed on my website
  • How long people visited my website for and when
  • Links people clicked on my website
  • Search terms used on my website
  • Crash and error logs
  • IP addresses
Actual photo of Kelly basking in the glory of website usage stats. (Disclaimer: this is not actually Kelly, she just really likes graphs)

Please be aware that all of the usage data I collect is standard and collected by (in my estimation) 99% of websites on the web, I just choose to be more up-front about it 🙂

Questions, Comments, Concerns?

I think that about covers it. Again, I really try to be transparent in not only the information I provide, but the way in which that information is communicated, which is why I chose to write my privacy policy myself. Many websites copy/paste their privacy policies from others, but I felt it was important to explain in plain, no-frills language (and in a level of detail that is so Kelly) how I use and disclose your personal information. As always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or even feedback about this privacy policy and how it was written, please feel free to contact me!

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KGH Interpretation Spanish-English Medical & Mental Health Interpretation

Kelly (Grzech) Henriquez

I am a Certified Medical/Healthcare Interpreter (CMI-Spanish, CHI-Spanish) and a medical interpreter trainer. I work as an independent contractor in the greater Richmond, Virginia area as a Spanish-English medical interpreter. Click here to read more about me.

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