KGH Interpretation Spanish-English Medical & Mental Health Interpretation

Interpreter & Translator Peer Support Tasks


If you’ve landed on this page, that means you’re interested in assisting with the Interpreter & Translator Peer Support initiative! Before we dive in to what you can do to help, can I just say? Thank you!

The tasks are organized in lists as follows (click on the link to jump to that section):

Additionally, if you don’t have time to help out, you can always contribute financially to support the Interpreter & Translator Peer Support initiative.

Low-Effort Tasks

Many of the tasks below have to do with sustaining engagement in our private Facebook group and on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

This infographic series Kelly posted does a really good job at explaining what this means, and why it’s important!

Like, comment, share!

Liking and commenting on posts in our Facebook group increases our engagement. You can also like/comment on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages… AND you can also share the stuff we post on them!

Post in our private Facebook group

This does require you to be a member of the group (don’t forget to answer all the membership questions when joining). The group itself was created so interpreters & translators could talk about the stressors they face. Some ideas of things you can post:

  • A difficult interpreting or translating experience you’ve faced recently (keeping confidentiality and laws like HIPAA and FERPA in mind)
  • Advice for / experiences with maintaining your mental health and well-being as an interpreter or translator
  • Anything related to self-care (videos, articles, quotes, your experiences, etc.)
  • Sharing photos of your hobbies to encourage others to have a good work-life balance!
  • Something that you found uplifting that might brighten the day of an interpreter or translator in our group who might be going through a tough time

Share Resources with Kelly to Post

I dedicate a lot of time to planning out the content in our Facebook group, Facebook page, and LinkedIn page. If you find something that might be a good fit for the group or our pages like a video, article, or something else, there’s a few things you can do to make it easier for Kelly to incorporate it into our content calendar before sending it to her (via email, Facebook messenger or Google chat):

  • When sending the resource, make sure to include at least a short description of what you’re sending. This saves Kelly time in having to figure out what you’ve sent.
  • If you’re feeling ambitious, consider writing the text that you think should accompany the resource when it is shared.

Medium-Effort Tasks

Be “That” Person

If you’ve been part of our Facebook group for a while, you know we have some repeat post formats that come up:

  • Shouty posts
    Group members are encouraged to post about what has been making them mad, happy, or whatever other emotion that might make them want to shout. They have to post in all caps and we usually post a funny gif or meme with it. This is posted 2-3x per month.
  • Check-in posts
    This is what I call the posts where group members are asked, “On a scale of lobster, how are you feeling today?” or “Using only emojis, describe how you’re feeling.” These posts appear about once per month.
  • Polls
  • Discussion prompt posts

If you want to be “that” person, for instance, if you want to be the shouty post person, you’d be responsible for creating and posting all the shouty posts. I’d also totally be willing to give you a fun title, like our resident shout master, because who doesn’t like being fancy?

Come Up with Ideas

For really any of the post types mentioned above for “be ‘that’ person,” I always need ideas! For example, I usually sit down once every few months and come up with discussion prompts for our discussion posts. If you don’t feel comfortable stepping into a role, you can always submit ideas like these.

Create graphics

We need graphics for all sorts of things, so if you’re the creative type, this might be the task for you! I have lots of ideas of infographics, for example, but I am way too much of a perfectionist and get super frustrated with how long it takes me to make them.

Write Articles

Eventually Kelly will finish the Interpreter & Translator Peer Support website, and I want to make sure we have a bunch of articles about:

  • The stressors that interpreters & translators face
  • How to cope with the stressors that we face
  • Interpreter & translator physical health, mental health, and wellness

Super Special Tasks for People I Know

The tasks below not only require more effort, but also require some level of commitment. These are tasks Kelly also doesn’t feel comfortable delegating to people who are complete strangers. If you’re considering these tasks, Kelly should probably know you a little bit!

Be a moderator in our Facebook group

Some responsibilities of being a moderator include:

  • Approving/declining membership requests. You have to check and see if they have answered all the membership questions and if they haven’t, decline their join request while providing feedback on why their request was declined. You’ll also be taught how to identify spam accounts and decline those join requests.
  • Deleting spam posts and banning spam accounts. This rarely happens, but you’ll need to keep an eye out.
  • Handle conflict in the group. I’ve put a lot of effort into creating a positive group culture to where this doesn’t happen often, but you need to be ready and able to de-escalate conflict, turn off commenting on a post, and/or remove a post if conflict arises or it otherwise violates group rules.

Finishing posts in Notion

I do all my content and post planning in Notion. In order to add an additional user, I will need to pay a monthly fee to let them have access to our dashboard. Ideally, this would be covered by contributions, but if you are really serious about helping me out, I am willing to pay for it myself.

I have lots of post ideas and resources I would like to post in the Interpreter & Translator Peer Support Facebook Group, as well as on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages. However, there are dozens of these posts in our queue that are not completed: they need text for the body of the post.

Your responsibility would be to review the idea, read the article, watch the video, or whatever resource I am planning on sharing, adding the text for the body of the post, and changing the status of the post in Notion. Ideally, someone who takes up this task should have some level of familiarity with Notion, or be technologically-inclined enough for me to teach how to do this.

Scheduling Posts from Notion

This may or may not require you to have access to the PSG Notion dashboard, but we can work this out if you’re interested in performing this task. Your responsibility would be to look at a post in Notion, schedule it in Meta Business Suite (for the Facebook Page) and potentially also schedule it on the PSG LinkedIn page.

This would require you to have posting privileges on our Facebook page and/or LinkedIn page, meaning 1) I would have to trust you with that level of access and 2) you need to have some familiarity with these platforms.

Scan to Share

Did you know? If you would like to share this page easily or save it for later, you can always use the camera on your phone to scan the QR code shown here! Cool, huh? 😎

Consecutive Note-taking Essentials

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KGH Interpretation Spanish-English Medical & Mental Health Interpretation

Kelly (Grzech) Henriquez

I am a Certified Medical/Healthcare Interpreter (CMI-Spanish, CHI-Spanish) and a medical interpreter trainer. I work as an independent contractor in the greater Richmond, Virginia area as a Spanish-English medical interpreter. Click here to read more about me.

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