KGH Interpretation Spanish-English Medical & Mental Health Interpretation

Can I use your YouTube videos in my classes?

Answered on April 5th, 2023
Last updated on April 12th, 2023

I get this question from many interpreter trainers, teachers, and professors.  The answer is: yes, that’s why I made them!  It’s very important to me that correct, quality information about medical interpretation is accessible to everyone.

That being said, if you do decide to use any of my videos in your classes, please make sure to link the YouTube video directly.  Please do not “rip” or otherwise download the video (or audio) to re-upload it on another platform, save it locally, or share the video file with anyone else.  As I’m sure you can imagine, I put a lot of time and effort into the content I produce, and part of having my videos hosted on YouTube involves receiving ad revenue for each video played.  Watching my videos on YouTube ensures I get paid (at least a little bit!) for my hard work.

If for whatever reason you’d like to share one of my videos without ads, or if you want to download any of my videos to play or share the file directly, please contact me.  Not only is it the polite thing to do, I may be able to help you further.

If you share my videos with your students or colleagues and have found them helpful, you can always leave a contribution on my Ko-Fi page!  Consider the amount of work and time the video may have saved you or your students if you need help coming up with what to contribute.

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Question Answered By...

Kelly (Grzech) Henriquez

Kelly is a Certified Medical/Healthcare Interpreter (CMI-Spanish, CHI-Spanish) and a medical interpreter trainer. She work as an independent contractor in the greater Richmond, Virginia area as a Spanish-English medical and mental health interpreter. Her passions include affirming interpretation for sexual and gender diverse populations, supporting interpreter mental health, and interpreting developmental-behavioral pediatrics.

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KGH Interpretation Spanish-English Medical & Mental Health Interpretation

Kelly (Grzech) Henriquez

I am a Certified Medical/Healthcare Interpreter (CMI-Spanish, CHI-Spanish) and a medical interpreter trainer. I work as an independent contractor in the greater Richmond, Virginia area as a Spanish-English medical interpreter. Click here to read more about me.

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